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My Design Portfolio

Adobe Illustrator Project

Using Adobe Illustrator, Explore different ways you can display the features of a product of your choice. This product must have a minimum of six features.

Flat Mates Project

Explore the limits of material and technical possibilities on the Laser Cutting machine. Final solutions must be of appropriate size and be within an appropriate size envelope. Your product should be simple to build.

Chain Reaction Project

Explore through sketching and prototyping, a diversity of methods, of transferring energy . Each design solution must consist of at least 1 system mechanism per student. When all design solutions are placed side-by-side, the transfer of energy must be seamless from one to the other.

Out of the Box Project

Analyse the User Experience behind products. For this project, we had to observe all aspects of a given product including the manual , the packaging and user experience and re-design it to improve the user experience.

Photoshop Project

This project was learning to use Adobe photoshop We explored rendering and lighting. We had to pick  a product of our choice to render.

Smarter Travel Project

This project was all about looking at sustainable ways of travelling to and from college. We had to research on the different modes students used travelling to college and think of a way to promote Smarter travel.

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